Why should you follow my ideas and advice on the subject of share trading and perhaps even invest later in a certificate that reflects my strategies?
Even though I am not professionally involved in stock trading, I have basically been following the developments of the capital market every day since the summer of 2020. In doing so, I deal with the opportunities and risks of many stock corporations. Through sample portfolios and real share trading, I have been able to gain experience with a wide variety of situations. These include dealing with the risk of a stock market crash, the valuation of extremely hyped or highly criticised companies and the analyses of new business models (e.g. in the field of cryptocurrencies or renewable energies).
In addition, I have been following the happenings in business and politics with interest for years, which gives me a good basis for looking at the environment (location factors, political risks,...) of public companies.
Of course, as a student I cannot look back on such a wealth of experience as a long-term investment professional (e.g. a fund manager). But I am convinced that this amount of experience is not necessary for Investpocket either, because I can already give you many tips about stock trading with my knowledge and also make successful investment decisions in the wikifolios.
However, experience is not the only point that can build trust. The next section deals with a special feature of Investpocket.
Transparency is an essential part of Investpocket.
You can always get an idea of how well I make decisions and whether I can justify them for you in a way you can understand.
You can do this via the comment function on the blog, via the contact form or as a message on Instagram.
On Wikifolio you can see the composition of the stocks and follow the trades. You can also see my comments there.
Among other things, articles about my assessment of stock companies appear on the blog, where people are welcome to discuss and ask questions.
So unlike some other popular models of private investing, I, who make the investment decisions for the wikifolios, can easily be contacted and questioned by investors.
Another key difference is that with my wikifolios, you can really see every containing stock in real time.
Usually, with funds and ETFs, only the top positions can be seen and the transactions are usually not published on a daily basis.