Here I answer your questions.
By the way, when "you" is mentioned in the question, I am meant.

I think the idea of the website is good, but I personally can't really do much with the topic of investment. How could I help this project anyway?
It helps a lot if you talk about it with friends and family.
This will then reach the people who are interested in it.
Personally, I don't want to use aggressive advertising methods such as constantly asking friends and acquaintances.
While that would probably be successful, it would create unpleasant pressure and slowly but surely get on everyone's nerves.
Such procedures would not fit this project and would contradict my personal view of good manners.
What is actually your goal with this project?
My goal is to generate as many donations as possible through my involvement.
However, these should not only be generated by me promoting donation organizations, but also depend on my own performance / work.
That's why I decided to use the 50% rule. The more successful my blog articles, the website and my sample portfolios are at Wikifolio, the more income and donations are generated.
What happens when I register with Wikifolio?
Do I have to pay anything afterwards?
After you have completed the registration, you can view all wikifolios and move around on the platform completely free of charge. If you have found a wikifolio that you want to watch, you can put it on your watchlist. This is also free of charge and without obligation.
You can also invest in individual wikifolios in the form of certificates. However, you do not do this directly through Wikifolio, but need a securities account at a direct bank / broker.
The Wikifolio platform therefore only offers you as an investor an overview of the contents of the already available and potentially available certificates.
In the case of potentially available certificates, you can watchlist them and will then be notified as soon as they are available for purchase.
So you don't have to pay anything on the platform, but you can invest if you are convinced.
In addition, you can of course try yourself as a trader after registration and create wikifolios if you feel like it.

Some questions you have asked will appear here soon.
I am happy to answer them for everyone.
Some questions you have asked will appear here soon.
I am happy to answer them for everyone.

Some questions you have asked will appear here soon.
I am happy to answer them for everyone.