In this blog you will receive interesting information about current issues of the financial market.
This includes my personal assessments of current and future developments of listed companies as well as the general situation of the market.
I write about political, social and economic issues supported by extensive research.
For those of you who are interested in my Wikifolios, I want to create an interactive way to critically review my decisions.
You are welcome to join the discussion about the comment function or ask me questions.
My goal is to have an interactive exchange so that you can understand my decisions at any time and invest with sufficient confidence.
For all those of you who have not yet invested any money, I want to present the financial market as interesting as possible and I am looking forward to receiving questions from you.
I really try to find a good mix of entertaining and serious contents for all articles in this blog as information about the world of stocks should be reliable but not boring.
Costs for this blog
The extensive articles, which shed light on individual companies through in-depth research, are available to you for a fee of two euros per month.
I’ll donate 50 percent of it.
I hope you enjoy my blog!
Stay healthy!
Fabian Seemann